What is aesthetic marketing?


As an aesthetic marketing agency, we’re going to be talking about aesthetic marketing a lot in our blog. So we thought it would be a good idea to start off with an explanation of what aesthetic marketing actually is and what it consists of.

When we talk about aesthetic marketing, we’re talking about arousing the senses of our target audience through sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. But more importantly, we’re describing a process that uses the five senses to create a connection with our audience on a far deeper level.

Modern consumers are looking for depth of experience. They no longer want quantity and immediacy over quality and purpose. This means that we need to view our audience differently: not just as people who are seeking to consume but as human beings who want an experience that will allow them to connect with a brand on a more profound level. They are individuals who want their purchasing to make them feel good and make them feel alive.

So how do we appeal to those who want to feel alive? By making them feel something, in whatever form that may be. Here’s your ABC guide to harnessing the power of feelings through aesthetic marketing.

An ABC guide to aesthetic marketing.

A-ppealing to consumers’ senses.

Sensorial experiences are a key part of aesthetic marketing and allow us to derive pleasure from an object or experience through our senses. This includes sight, but the visual side of things, while important, is just one element. In aesthetic marketing, we might be using audio too. And even if we don’t have the physical proximity to our audience to be able to get them to smell, taste or touch something, we’re finding ways to make them imagine or anticipate how something feels.

With our marketing, we need to find the right balance in our design to create sensorial delight. This is because it’s precisely this delight that will lead to legacy, loyalty, and lasting value. If you think about some of the most long-standing brands in history, from Moët & Chandon to Tiffany & Co., you’ll notice that the one thing they all have in common is that they appeal to their consumers’ senses and stimulate their imagination.

We should be constantly on the lookout for sensorial elements, observing them and incorporating them into our products and services so that we can appeal to consumers’ senses in a new, innovative and exciting way. Throughout the marketing process, the question we want to be asking ourselves is: How can we activate our audience’s senses?

Or more simply: How can we make our audience feel?

B-eing authentic and original.

Your purpose should always come through in your marketing. If it doesn’t, then either your purpose isn’t clear or you’re not being yourself. It’s so important to have a strong raison d’être because without it, you won’t be able to form a profound connection with your audience.

Once you’ve identified it, by being authentic and simply “you,” you’ll be able to transmit your purpose, your feelings and your vision, which will in turn enable you to activate your audience’s imagination.

This leads to a richer brand experience overall because not only is your audience buying into your product or service, they’re also buying into your brand philosophy. When your purpose and the story you’re telling resonate with your audience, they no longer view their purchase as a simple business transaction. Instead, it actually means something to them. And where there’s meaning, there’s feeling.

If you aren’t yet clear on your purpose, ask yourself why you do what you do and what impact you want your business to have on the world and the individuals living in it. By making it personal, you’ll connect with your audience on a deeper level, but you’ll also find it far easier to market your business effectively and see results in the long term.

C-reating an emotional experience.

Creating an emotional experience for your target audience is the key to aesthetic marketing. It involves developing a connection with your audience through your product or service that goes far beyond visual elegance to resonate on a much deeper level.

If we can find where this connection with our audience lies, we can learn how, where and when to apply it effectively in marketing our business.

Let’s take the example of a luxury paint company that’s gone vegan and become carbon positive. Consumers are willing to pay a premium, not necessarily because these paints provide better results than the ones they can get at their local DIY store but because they believe in the journey they’re being taken on by the brand. Consumers that purchase from this specific paint company will want to make the world a more sustainable place, and by purchasing from them, they’ll feel as though they’re contributing to protecting the environment in their own small way. They’re supporting a company that shares their values, and having paint on the walls of their home that reflects this will give them a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

The entire experience counts for today’s modern consumer. Nowadays, every single part matters. How you behave in business, whether you’re ethical, sustainable or reliable, has an emotional impact on your consumer and will be reflected in your success.

If you want your business to thrive as well as survive in today’s market, you need to be developing, rolling out and indulging in aesthetic marketing standards and strategies at every level of your business. This is what will allow you to cement the foundations of your business, which you can then build on securely with a view to the future.

It is through aesthetic marketing that you’ll succeed in creating a connection with your audience, therefore ensuring brand loyalty and longevity for your business.

If you’d like to find out more about our aesthetic marketing agency and the aesthetic advertising campaigns we create for our customers, head on over to our about page and meet the team.


Beyond the metrics: why today’s aesthetic marketing is about more than numbers.